Monday, January 7, 2013

He is a gentleman

Something you will never believe, is the definition of a gentleman. It does not resound with societies' notion of the term, but here goes Wiki
The term gentleman (from Latin  gentilis, belonging to a race or gens , and man, the Italian  gentil uomo or gentiluomo and the Protuguese gentil-homem), in its original and strict signification, denoted a man of the lowest rank of the English gentry, standing below an esquire and above a yeoman . While you ponder on that let me hit you with this-
He will never force anything (ever) down your throat, let’s go back, way back, back to the beginning of  Adam and Eve.
He had created them from dust: so He could have set a chip trying to say program in their heads to comply with everything He had instructed (He could have), yes He could. But He did not.  He said which tree not to eat from and gave them the results of what would happen-“you will die”  . He then left the decision up to them....... 
1. not to eat =alive
2. eat =death
The rest we all know; the snake, the lies, whatever. You can read Genesis and it will give the whole story.
To my point ; He gave them a choice , He could have, might as well plucked up the tree and planted it in another planet or garden, no not our God He allows you to make the decision and allows you to suffer the consequences.

I will jump a little further ahead to the time of Job. I am talking to those who know who this guy was, if you don’t know you need to go back to Pre School because I have no time to get you up to speed. But as the story goes the devil as the other angels were presenting themselves before God so did him(devil) do. He (the devil) was going on and on that Job was only faithful to God because God had blessed him with a lot of money and wealth and good health, and that was the only reason he (Job) adored Him (God) and that God should release His hand over Job and let him lose all his wealth and see if Job would not Curse God. God was all like is that right? , ok if you think that is the case then go and do your worst but don’t touch his health ………… those who don’t know the story from here sorry, that is not in my prescription to narrate.
Can we focus here, what do we learn from the story of Job? –The devil had to go to God and ask that he be allowed to go and tempt Job.
Billy Graham's daughter was interviewed on the Early Show and Jane Clayson asked her: “How could God let something like this happen?” (regarding Hurricane Katrina).

Anne Graham gave an extremely profound and insightful response. She said: “I believe God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out.

How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?”  -direct q

In Revelations 3:20 He says I am at the door and I knock whoever hears my voice and opens the door I will come in and will stay there with Him. Our great and most powerful God in all His glory must ask before He can be a part of you- meaning that the decision for Him to be in your life lies squarely with you, He does not force Himself into your life like some demon possession or other stories and examples we hear.
Was watching a Taylor Perry show where it was all about family and church and drama didn’t have anything else to watch but I got something from in between the drooling and sleeping. In a home if the family if full of prayer and exaltation to the most high i.e let in the master of light in the master of darkness has no room or power within that  house hold . The reverse is also true. .If the home has no time for prayer for coming together all in His name then The prince of darkness has full dominion over that house hold and no matter how powerful our heavenly master is He will not reign there and His angels can only look from the fence.
Just think about it we call Him a gentle man because yes He possesses all the power for pits sakes He created the Devil but this tag of being a gentleman is that YOU will always have the choice .If you let Him in He will burst in guns blazing incinerating all the demons and evil dominion over you and the barbed wire they came with, but if you wish not to invite Him, he can only stand and watch hence a *GENTLEMAN*

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